terça-feira, 17 de maio de 2011

A Thank-You Note

Dear Students,

First, I'd like to thank you all for your participation and inform you that tomorrow I'll show all the results that I got from your comments. All that will help us to improve our classes and make a better work.
Next, thank you for the compliments. For sure it was very kind of you and I do hope I can be able to keep on going with the positive points.
And last, thank you for all the critiques, your comments upon the firts quarter of the year. They conducted me to a reflection and that's what really counts because it's only when we think (and reflect) about our work that we make all the changes possible. What a great contribution!

Let's be prepared for the next!
You teacher!

Um comentário:

Saribera disse...

Oi Kátia, acabo de ler duas matérias interessantes sobre o Brasil feitas por jornais extrangeiros. Elas estão em inglês. Seguem os links.



Beijos, Sérgio