segunda-feira, 30 de maio de 2011

Being even more grateful, 06 years later!

Life is really wonderful! 06 years ago I went to Holland and felt so happy for being in such beautiful place. I visited many cities, including Amsterdan. My husband went with me and it was the kind of a trip that when we finished it, we asked ourselves if it was real! Really unforgettable! 06 years later here I am again. I got this incredible opportunity of attending the Robotics competition in Delft city as a team member of my school team! How lovely! How nice this place is! A very charming downtown. The very same charming atmosphere that reminded me the first time I came here! Good memories! So many beautiful people...and I mean beautiful in all the ways...everybody is so polite and helpful. No words to thank for all that. Before the competition, we are going to have some free time and we intend to visit other cities, go to Amsterdan and spend some time in Belgium. It's just begining!

domingo, 22 de maio de 2011

The Future of E-books

Have you read a book in one of these gadgets: Kindles, Nooks, iPads, iPhones, and others?
I had the chance of reading "Christmas Carol" by Charles Dickens and I can tell you that it was an amazing experience! The book was so interactive, with so many options and animations that it doesn't only catch my attention completely but also made me feel even more and more curious to see what I could find in the next page. And I had already read this book before that. Although I knew the story, it didn't interfere in my surprise of reading in this new way. I was told that not all the books are like this one, with such complements, but there are a lot of good titles that can be found in this format. I confess that I'm very anxious to read "ALice in Wonder Land" or "The treasure Island" in this format. It's technology, again, bringing improvement to our leisure activity.
And I think e-books and all these gadgets can contribute to the learning process as well. Check the video in this link.
But I also admit that I do love reading paper books and I don't think the e-books will replace them. It's perfectly possible to have fun in both ways and I believe that it is the reason why there will be no replacement of each other.

terça-feira, 17 de maio de 2011

A Thank-You Note

Dear Students,

First, I'd like to thank you all for your participation and inform you that tomorrow I'll show all the results that I got from your comments. All that will help us to improve our classes and make a better work.
Next, thank you for the compliments. For sure it was very kind of you and I do hope I can be able to keep on going with the positive points.
And last, thank you for all the critiques, your comments upon the firts quarter of the year. They conducted me to a reflection and that's what really counts because it's only when we think (and reflect) about our work that we make all the changes possible. What a great contribution!

Let's be prepared for the next!
You teacher!

terça-feira, 10 de maio de 2011

A vida como ela é! (Part I)

Como já disse Nelson Rodrigues, assim é a vida e pronto! Pra muitos, ela pode ser dura e até mesmo cruel! Porém no meio de tudo isso sobra um espaço para o afeto genuinamente verdadeiro.
Dia 07 de maio fui participar da Fila Night Run 5K. Ao final da prova (suada e descabelada - tentando me recompor) decidi ir de metro até o Shopping Center 3 (Paulista) simplesmente para entrar bem rapidinho e buscar uns CupCakes para levar para minha mãe, minha sogra e a mãe do Décio enquanto ele e o meu marido corriam os 10K. Como na Paulista o povo é meio "descolado", achei que não teria problema ir desse jeito mesmo, e além do mais, eu não iria "passear" no shopping...seria mais uma ida vapt-vupt!