quinta-feira, 10 de abril de 2014


This post is about one of the most beautiful texts I have read so far. It's a very simple text, with very simple grammatical structures, but its message is unquestionable. I couldn't agree more! I hope one day we can really have the nation that is mentioned in the text.      

“When a man dies, it’s as if a whole library burns down.”
(old African Proverb)
If you have read so far, keep reading. For education. Because education is the only road we can all take to get ahead. Education is everything in life.
          When you say “good morning”, it’s education. When you learn to read or to fly, it’s education. When you plant a tree or stop polluting rivers and seas, it’s education. When you pass by a museum, a theater, a church or historic place and realize what they mean, it’s education. Education is the most important heritage you can have.
          For education is not just learning how to read and write. It is when you learn about your own country and about the world. And as you do, you also learn about yourself.
          It’s much more than that: education is when everybody learns about everybody.
          Education is when 165 million people ask who we are and where we are going. And when we discover the magic and power of the answers. With education we have much more than a country. We have a nation.
          And when a human being is born, it’s as if a whole library began to be built. It’s a never-ending process. A process called future.
          Education is everything.  
(original text published in Portuguese in O Globo, April 2, 2000)

Post Question: In your opinion, are you an educated person? And according to the text, are you? What do you do (or don't do) to be considered an educated person? Are there uneducated people in your classroom (don't mention names, please)? Why do you think they aren't educated?

Tip: What can we expected about the Education process for the XXI century? Click here and check what UNESCO's educational objectives are. 

5 comentários:

Luciana disse...

I have never read something so true. Good Afternoon! I'm an educated and a polite person!

Anônimo disse...

In your opinion, are you an educated person? R: Eu creio que sim.

And according to the text, are you? What do you do (or don't do) to be considered an educated person? R: Sim, eu sempre cumprimento as pessoas, com um bom dia ou boa noite, e estou em constante processo de aprendizado quando estudo, então, acho que sou educada, de diversas maneiras.

Are there uneducated people in your classroom (don't mention names, please)? Why do you think they aren't educated? R: Sim, pois essas pessoas não se interessam no aprendizado, não se esforçam para aprender coisas novas.

Clara Massi nº 04 1ºE

Anônimo disse...

In your opinion, are you an educated person? R: Eu creio que sim.

And according to the text, are you? What do you do (or don't do) to be considered an educated person? R: Sim, eu sempre cumprimento as pessoas, com um bom dia ou boa noite, e estou em constante processo de aprendizado quando estudo, então, acho que sou educada, de diversas maneiras.

Are there uneducated people in your classroom (don't mention names, please)? Why do you think they aren't educated? R: Sim, pois essas pessoas não se interessam no aprendizado, não se esforçam para aprender coisas novas.

Clara Massi nº 04 1ºE

Anônimo disse...

Giovana H. Alves nº16 1ºE

Eu me considero uma pessoa educada, e o texto só afirma isso. Para ser educada eu preciso respeitar os limites dos outros, tentar ser gentil com as pessoas por bons modos e aprender coisas pela sede de conhecimento.
Na minha sala há sim pessoas mal educadas, que não respeitam os outros, muitas vezes por motivos banais.

Estela disse...

Estela Gomes Sanches n°8 1°E

In my opinion, and also according to the text, I'm an educated person. I always try to know more about the things around me and be polite to others.
I think there are some people in my classroom that aren't very educated, because they are constantly disturbing classes and mocking their colleagues.