"More Absurd & Amusing Signs From Around the World - Signspotting II". It was compiled by Doug Lansky and edited by Lonely Planet.
Don't you feel a little bit more relieved knowing that you are in a safe place now?! I just would like to know (just by curiosity) what the person, who wrote the sign, considers a dangerous area! Or it's better not!
Although the sign is funny for being contradictory, the question we should think here is: when I write something (mainly in our tests), am I or not being as contradictory as this sign? In our mind the thoughts are absolutely clear and we know exactly what we mean...but are they so clear and organized when I write to other person read it? We need to think about "the other" who is going to read our production. A good idea can be totally destroyed if I can't explain it. A good test can be a totally disaster if I know the answer and when I write it I don't even pay attention to my words.
So, to keep doing a good work, in your tests, activities, works, e-mails and all your writing production, take this into consideration and ask help - talking to somebody else can really show you some points you may haven't noticed.
On the other hand, if you don't do it, maybe someday you can put yourself in a very touchy situation...which can be even more dangerous than the place where this sign is...for sure!
Post Question: being honest... - Do you read all your answers in your test before you hand it in? How often do you write...I mean, you just write compositions in your Writing Classes (Redação) or you have a kind of diary, poem book, blog, etc? Read the sign below and write what is wrong in it. What is it biggest mistake?
Tip: to help you to write better, take a look at this site. It has very nice tips about English Grammar, which will be very useful, mainly if you are studying for the vestibular!