Be Quick But Don't Hurry* is a quick read, a pretty good book and a different take on John Wooden's Pyramid of Success that he utilized in coaching the most successful teams in the history of college basketball (UCLA in the 60's and 70's.) This book reminded me about this period...the end of the year, the end of 2011.
Everybody wants to be successful and sometimes we feel like time is running and we still haven't made what we should (or want) to reach success! Well, first of all we need to find out our definition of success and then we work on it. Successful, to me, is being really happy, enjoying all the good moments of our life, with lots and lots of "great" (great people, great food, great places, great drinks, great whatever else it can bring). It's the end of September and October is just around the corner... at the end of the year there is this syndrome of "what-I-have-done-so-far" and it's amazing how hard it is (for some people, let's not generalized) to recognise what they have accomplished so far! It's much easier to focus on what we haven't done than on what we have. Particularly I love the end of the year! "October, November and December" is the most festive trimester - Children's Day & Our Lady of Aparecida Day (in Brazil), my wedding Anniversary, Halloween, Thanksgiving, my birthday (and many friends' birthday), many reasons to have fun! I do worry about all the things that I want to accomplish during the year...and that's why I do work hard on the first three trimester of the year (and I also study a lot)...just to have a little extra time to enjoy all that the holiday seasons can offer...then I can (at least I try) enjoy all that slowly and always...being quick but not in a hurry! Indluge yourself too! Let's the fun begin!
*Be Quick But Don't Hurry, a book written by Andrew Hill and John Wooden.
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