quinta-feira, 24 de março de 2011

Earth Hour 2011: It's time to take care the planet!

Earth Hour 2011 is OUR Earth Hour; it's YOUR Earth Hour. And you can show your support for the planet in the following ways:
1.Turning off your lights at 8.30PM on March 26 2011 wherever you are in the world
2.Run your own Earth Hour event, street or house party with friends and family.
3.Take Earth Hour beyond the Hour by taking action for the planet. Save water. Eat local and natural.
4.Encourage your friends, your school, and your family to run Earth Hour in your region.
5.Rally your office or business to get involved.
Earth Hour has done a lot to raise awareness of sustainability issues. But there’s more to it than switching off lights for one hour once a year. It’s all about giving people a voice and working together to create a better future for our planet.
Remember our future depends on it! It depends exclusively on us!

terça-feira, 22 de março de 2011

Prova Parcial 1°T - Qual a sua opinião?

Caros alunos,

Acredito que o sucesso seja mesmo uma combinação entre tentativas que resultam em erros e acertos. Um dia você acerta em cheio e BINGO! Tudo dá certo! Outros dias as coisas não são bem assim, mas sem dúvida, o que não muda...nunca ...é a boa vontade daqueles que te cercam (e te querem bem) em querer te ajudar para que o sucesso possa ser alcançado! Na última aula, a aluna Karina (3ºA) e a nossa vice-diretora Marly fizeram uma pergunta da qual não pude responder prontamente. Elas perguntaram qual havia sido a repercussão da prova, qual foi a opinião dos alunos sobre a última prova parcial. Portanto peço a ajuda de vocês para poder responder a pergunta delas. Por favor, deixem aqui comentários (identificados com seu nome, nº e série) sobre a Prova Parcial feita no dia 18/03. Qualquer comentário, crítica e principalmente sugestão para as próximas provas são mais do que bem-vindos.
Muito obrigada pela participação!
It means a lot!

domingo, 20 de março de 2011

Japan in evidence - II (Post do Profº Armando)

Caros alunos,

É incrível essa sintonia que de vez em quando acontece - quando você pensa em dizer algo, ou fazer algo e alguém também faz!
Hoje (na cara dura) vou "chupinhar" um post para fazer no meu post - literalmente falando. Nossa função, enquanto professor, é levar os nossos alunos a reflexão e durante esse processo, fomentar a criação de valores e assim, de cidadãos mais comprometidos, conscientes e principalmente felizes.
Minha tarefa hoje ficou fácil - convido a todos, por favor, que LEIAM o post que o Profº Armando brilhantemente redigiu sobre o que aconteceu no Japão no link http://geoarmando.blogspot.com/2011/03/japao-tragedia-e-licao-de.html
O texto faz uma reflexão comparando as tragédias que aconteceram aqui no RIO e no Japão, respeitando as devidas proporções. Isso me fez lembrar da minha avó quando ela dizia que "Deus não dá o frio maior do que a coberta".
Podemos até nos questionar, por quê o Japão? Tinha que acontecer isso lá? Na verdade só podia ser lá, como bem abordado pelo Profº Armando, só um povo com tamanha organização, disciplina e comprometimento para poder se reerguer e dar a volta por cima.
É preciso força e sabedoria - a força (inclusive espiritual) e a sabedoria ( que é milenar) que acompanha esse povo desde muito antes! Ao acabar de ler o post do nosso professor de geografia, fica claro e evidente que nós ainda temos muito o que aprender com os nossos amigos japoneses! Será que um dia a gente chega lá? Tomara!

quinta-feira, 17 de março de 2011

Everybody is IRISH today!

Today is a very special day in Ireland! It's St. Patrick's Day!
And as the years go by, the celebration has become more and more popular in many other places...including Brazil! There are a lot of PUBs in SP and in ABC which have been crowded during this whole week. Although it's a religious day, I would say that around here it becomes just another day with a very good excuse for people to go out and drink with their friends. (As if we need an excuse!).
But getting together with our friends is a very good idea and there is another interesting point: besides drinking you can eat a very good and special meal! Many pubs offer you a chance of trying tipycal food from Ireland! The Irish Pie at Liverpool (SBC) is amazing! And it's impossible to eat just one of the baked "pastéis" at All Black (SP). The list is big! Sharing cultures with other countries and having the chance of feeling a little taste of each one is something that enriches, entertains and brings something new and special to our day by day. It's an opportunity to learn and have fun!
And if you decide to try something Irish by yourself, go to this link (click on download word, on the left) and get the recipe of a cake made with Guinness! (The recipe is from Nigella and it's in English and in Portuguese!)
Enjoy yourself and have a very HAPPY St. Paddy's Day! May all the Irish luck be with you!

terça-feira, 15 de março de 2011

Japan in evidence!

According to The Guardian (guardian.co.uk), Tokyo Electric Power Company, which runs the Fukushima Daiichi plant, says radiation levels at the unit are well below the legal limits following the last morning's hydrogen explosion (March, 14th). Radiation at Unit 3 measured 10.65 microsieverts; operators must inform the government if a level of 500 microsieverts is reached.
Health experts have stressed that the risk from radiation appears low. Reuters has spoken to the Gregory Hartl of the World Health Organisation, who told the agency:
"At this moment it appears to be the case that the public health risk is probably quite low. We understand radiation that has escaped from the plant is very small in amount."
That has not stopped people from worrying. Singaporean authorities have announced they will test imported Japanese produce for potential radiation "as a precautionary measure".

For sure people are worried about a radiation disaster, but much stronger than the fear is the solidarity! Due to the distance, instead of donating food or what else they need, the Japanese community in SP, Liberdade, are asking people to donate money because it's easier to send it. If you want to help, here are the account numbers for your donation.
Let's help Japan of all the ways we can!

Sociedade Brasileira de Cultura Japonesa e de Assistência Social
Banco Bradesco
Agência: 0131-7
Conta corrente: 112959-7

Federação das Associações de Províncias do Japão no Brasil
Banco do Brasil
Agência: 1196-7
Conta corrente: 29921-9

terça-feira, 8 de março de 2011

And the music won...once more!

Carnival is at the end...the Samba School Parade at SP and Rio´s Sambodrome (by the way,something everybody has to experience at least once in a lifetime) is over. Vai-Vai is the winner of the Carnival of SP with a tribute to the world famous conductor João Carlos Martins. His story of overcoming is an example to be followed by all. A clear demonstration that when the will reigns, there are no obstacles preventing us from achieving our goals. There is no limit to what human beings can accomplish. The tribute was well deserved and the victory just makes it even more special. Congratulations to everyone who brought this story to light and made a great show. And if you think that classical music and samba is a strange mixture, take a look at this video:
So, let's enjoy the end of Carnival and get ready for our tests! Let's write our own successful history as the "maestro" has done so far!What an inspiration!