A group of high school students went to Jaraguá
Theater (in Novotel Jaraguá, at 71, Martins Fontes street, São Paulo downtown)
to see the play "Doze Homens e Uma Sentença". The play is a
drama written by Sidney Lumet, an American director, producer and screenwriter
with over 50 films to his credit.
The play is adapted from Lumet's film "12
Angry Men" (1957), It's
the story of a dozen individuals, in a New York City courthouse, who are in
charge of reaching a verdict. The defendant is a teenager boy who is accused of
stabbing his father to death and the decision of convicting or absolving him
must be unanimous. The conflict begins when one of the twelve jurors
(this character is played by the actor Norival Rizzo) is not so sure about the
defendant's guilt and it's exactly because of it that he is the dissonant vote
of the group who has already decided by condemnation. Little by little, the
juror number 08 presents convincing arguments that make all the other jurors
rethink their position.

At the end of the play, the students had the
opportunity of meeting the actors and they kindly talked and gave autographs to
our group. Under the direction of Eduardo Tolentino Araújo the
play debuted on November, 19th 2010 and based on our group's opinion, it's
highly recommended!
Post Question: For the students (or anyone else), who saw the play, the movie or read
the script:
- If you were one of the jurors, what would be your
vote, in the beginning of the deliberation?
- If you were one of the jurors, based on your
personality, which one would you be? Why?