segunda-feira, 15 de setembro de 2014

Reel Bad Arabs - documentary

          During these week, we have been watching and talking about the documentary Reel Bad Arabs.
          According to the documentary official site, it is based on Dr. Jack Shaheen’s book. It dissects a slanderous aspect of cinematic history that has run virtually unchallenged from the earliest days of silent film to today's biggest Hollywood blockbusters. Dr. Shaheen watched thousands of movies and unfortunately they have always portrayed  the Arabian people in a mixture of incompetents, buffoons, terrorists and with no sense of reality when it comes to money. By inspiring critical thinking about the social, political, and basic human consequences of leaving these Hollywood caricatures unexamined, the film challenges viewers to recognize the urgent need for counter-narratives that do justice to the diversity and humanity of Arab people and the reality and richness of Arab history and culture.

Post Question: How do you like the documentary? What did you like most about it? What didn't you like about it? Do you agree to Dr. J. Shaheen when he says that hollywood has vilified the  Arabian people? Do you think the "Ali Babá" kit is still in the mind of people around the world? Is it in yours?

Tip: To donwload your vocabulary activity, just click here.

segunda-feira, 8 de setembro de 2014

Hamlet Facing Death

          Sometimes life can be so generous and offer us some singular moments and of a unique beauty that you know they will be forever part of whom you are! Last night was one of those moments! What a nice night! The GRVPO TEMPO, a theater group, presented us with the play "Hamlet face à morte" (Hamlet facing death). I can't say anything about the story because I love it (I'm an English teacher who is absolutely anglophile, I can't help being it! It's Shakespeare, for God's sake!).
           But I can say that the costumes, the lighting, the scenery and the stage presence of the actors were so well connected, so well linked that all the factors involved in the presentation could complement one another and the overall result really fulfilled not only the physical space of the theater but also our minds and our hearts.
           If I had to pick up just one word to define it (which is a very hard job) I would dare to say "touching". I knew the story but I really feel moved by the way the group presented it. The introduction led us to reflect on the brevity of life compared with the here and now. As wisely stated, the awareness of death interferes with the quality of our actions and from time to time it is salutary to be reminded that nothing is forever. Consciously we know that, but we act as if this was not part of our reality.
We see and feel ourselves "invincible", but the finitude of life (as we conceive it here) is a fact that is independent of how we see and how we feel.
Thanks GRUPO TEMPO for reminding us about that with such kindness, poetry and refinement!
Besides all that, no words to describe how proud I was to see two former students (Roger Campanhari and Giuliano Bonesso)from our school doing what they do best: enchant us with their talent.
"If now is not then!
If then, it will not be now!"

For now that is. Go, see the play and indulge yourself to a moment of pleasure!


Post Question: For the students who saw the play, answer these questions:
- What's your opinion about the play? What did you like most about it? Why? What you didn't enjoy at all? Why?

Tip: To get more information about GRVPO TEMPO, visit their website, just click here.