Do you know where the wild things are?
This book was published, for the first time, in 1963
and after all these years, it has been one of the reading icon in the American
childhood literature. I like it a lot and I do enjoy using it in my classes.
And what really get me surprised is that no matter the age, my students always
have a great time reading it. I believe it happens for two main reasons:
- it
is a very simple story, easy to read and easy to get involved. It's
amazing how it seems that simple things have a direct connection to the heart!
- the book describe the world of children's
imagination. It's the story
of a little boy who is messing around and get punished. He is forced to go to
his room and while he is there, he starts to imagine stories, fantasizing about
being in a forest and traveling to a place where the monsters live, facing
various adventures.
Students identify themselves with the book because all
of us were children before and there is still a "little child" inside
each one, so they know exactly what is happening with the boy because they did
and have done the same thing ... dreamed, imagined and created many stories. It
is a sweet memory that comes back and reminds us how fun life can be, even
though we are "grounded". Actually it depends only on ourselves. If
he were alive, Maurice Sendak would complete 85 years today and to honor the
date of her birthday, Google has created an excited Doodle with the main
designs of the author.
So...Where are the wild things? Thanks to Sendak, we
know that they are wherever our imagination would like them to be and the best
part...just waiting for our visit!
Post Question for the students: Have you read the book "Where wild things are"? Although you are in High School, do you still read children's book? Which one is your favorite? Why?
Tip: To read more about Sendak's work and see the Doodle created by Google about his work, just click here.
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