Yesterday was a great day! I'd like to write about the good experience I had in my class with the 3ºE students. We had the opportunity to discuss about the title of the text that we were about to read: "How to Make Great Teachers" written by Claudia Wallis who is a contributor to Time magazine. (She has worked at Time as a staff reporter and editor, and has produced 35 covers on education, science, psychology, children and family issues). The article was adapted to fit in our material, but I highly recommend students, educators and parents read the complete article which story was the cover of the magazine (Vol.171.No.8). To read it, just click here. She started the article declaring that we never forget our best teachers - the ones who opened doors and altered the course of our lives. We couldn't agree more. The debate in our class was very invigorating. Although some students showed me how clear is their understanding about the teaching situation today, others didn't speak up their thoughts.
Even then I could see that their faces were expressing agreement to their colleagues. But nothing compares to their face when I asked their homework - to write, like Claudia, about a teacher who has inspired them. I could feel that the great majority instantly remembered someone (and it also includes me). And that's the idea, to have the chance of reflecting on the theme and at the same time on their own lives. We haven't finish our work yet but I would say "so far, so good" and by what I saw last class, I know I can expect great papers. No doubts that a better education is an investment in all of our future.
Post question: Who was "the great teacher" you have met so far? Why do you consider this person a great teacher? When did you meet him/her? What about you, have you ever thought about been a teacher?
Tip: Professor A.A.Karim (from Malaysia) writes about education in his blog "One Stop Learning". Take some time to read it, leave a comment and share it.