quarta-feira, 21 de abril de 2010

Let's study! The TEST WEEK is just around the corner!

Tomorrow will start the "TEST WEEK" and it can be a kind of a nerve-racking period if you are not well structured. Like a lot of things in our life, studying requires planning and certain atitudes that should be commom in our day-by-day. The matter is that we've been very busy and these "certain attitudes", (such as, reading good articles, observe around, writing important notes, and so on)become neglected due to all the to-do- things.
You know that we need to be a very organized person, but sometimes we don't know exactly what to do and some help is always welcomed.
The University of Illinois (Chicago)offers some good tips to help students to overcome four causes of poor concentration (external distractions, internal distractions, fatigue, and lack of interest) that can sabotage your studies.
You can read all about it HERE, just click and enjoy! it on:
I personally would add an extra tip: having some good tea while reading...it helps to relax and focus! It really works for me!
And what about you, do you have any tip to share with us and that can help you when you need to study? WRITE IT DOWN!
So, I do hope all of us can have a good period with lots of positive resulsts at the end of it! And believe me, I hope you can enjoy your English test as much as I enjoyed doing it!

segunda-feira, 12 de abril de 2010

História e arte no Cemitério da Consolação

Na última sexta-feira, numa típica tarde paulistana (frio e garoa), eu e os alunos (o profº Vinícius e a Márcia também) fizemos uma visita monitorada ao cemitério da Consolação. História e arte se misturam...e trazem informações interessantes e curiosas. Visitamos o túmulo da Domitília de Castro e Canto Melo (a Marquesa de Santos), do dirigente esportivo Paulo Machado de Carvalho, o mausoléu da família Matarazzo e o túmulo do ex-presidente da República Campos Sales (na minha opinião, o mais bonito de todos!)
Para terminar essa tarde, só faltou o café na Starbucks com um muffin de bluberry! Mas tudo bem...fica para um outro dia!
O mais legal de tudo é que passeios assim nos fazem refletir sobre um assunto do qual temos muito a aprender: a morte! O assunto ainda pode até causar algumas polêmicas e despertar um certo preconceito, mas acredito que atitudes como essa, da Profª Ingrid, contribui (e muito) para pensarmos um pouquinho melhor no assunto.
Obrigada pela participação de todos vocês e valeu pela companhia e pelo "lanchinho" na volta!
What a nice afternoon!

quinta-feira, 8 de abril de 2010

Pinups are back! In fact, they have always been fashion!

Pinups were a huge sucess from 1930s until the early 1970s. It's a picture of a sexually attractive and usually famous person (but not always), especially someone wearing few clothes.
Read the text "Smile and Say Cheesecake!" and complete the exercises based on the text. (The exercises are on the site http://pessoal.educacional.com.br/katia-ingles)
And what about you, would you like to be a pinup for one day? Celeste Giuliano can help you!
You can get more information about the Celeste Giuliano’s work (the Philadelphia photographer of modern pinups) on the site:

Sensuality is back! Enjoy it!

sexta-feira, 2 de abril de 2010

Happy Easter!

The custom of giving eggs at Easter time has been traced back to Egyptians, Persians, Gauls, Greeks and Romans, to whom the egg was a symbol of life.
Easter is now celebrated (in the words of the Book of Common Prayer) on the first Sunday after the full moon which happens on or after March 21, the Spring Equinox.
In the United States Easter is celebrated with a large Easter Egg Hunt by children on the White House Lawn.

To all of you, I'd like to wish a very blessed and joyful Easter, full of chocolate (but the dark one because its antioxidant chemicals).