Yesterday was a great day! I'd like to write about the good experience I had in my class with the 3ºE students. We had the opportunity to discuss about the title of the text that we were about to read: "How to Make Great Teachers" written by Claudia Wallis who is a contributor to Time magazine. (She has worked at Time as a staff reporter and editor, and has produced 35 covers on education, science, psychology, children and family issues). The article was adapted to fit in our material, but I highly recommend students, educators and parents read the complete article which story was the cover of the magazine (Vol.171.No.8). To read it, just click here. She started the article declaring that we never forget our best teachers - the ones who opened doors and altered the course of our lives. We couldn't agree more. The debate in our class was very invigorating. Although some students showed me how clear is their understanding about the teaching situation today, others didn't speak up their thoughts.
Even then I could see that their faces were expressing agreement to their colleagues. But nothing compares to their face when I asked their homework - to write, like Claudia, about a teacher who has inspired them. I could feel that the great majority instantly remembered someone (and it also includes me). And that's the idea, to have the chance of reflecting on the theme and at the same time on their own lives. We haven't finish our work yet but I would say "so far, so good" and by what I saw last class, I know I can expect great papers. No doubts that a better education is an investment in all of our future.
Post question: Who was "the great teacher" you have met so far? Why do you consider this person a great teacher? When did you meet him/her? What about you, have you ever thought about been a teacher?
Tip: Professor A.A.Karim (from Malaysia) writes about education in his blog "One Stop Learning". Take some time to read it, leave a comment and share it.
5 comentários:
O 'grande mestre', para mim, que conheci até agora foi a professora de Biologia, Patrícia.
Considero ela uma grande educadora, pois em suas aulas vejo o quanto ela é apaixonada por aquilo que faz, sempre quer deixar bem claro nossas dúvidas, consegue passar a nós mais de uma forma sua explicação, para que possamos compreender ao máximo a matéria, mostra-nos documentários, sempre nos ajuda, nos incentiva, deixando-nos atentos para o mundo.
Encontro com ela quase todos os dias da semana, quando estamos em periodos de aula, pois quando não a vejo em nossa própria aula, a vejo nos corredores.
Quanto a mim, NUNCA pensei em ser professora.
Who was "the great teacher" you have met so far? I consider myself as luck, I have met a lot of "great teachers" all over my life. I could spend hours talking about each one of them, but I gonna talk about a teacher that inspired me a lot. Rosana was my teacher when I was nine, and I'll never forget about her.
Why do you consider this person a great teacher?
I consider Rosana a great teacher, because she was the one who made me fall in love with the reading, she read "The Witches" by Roald Dahl, and in that same year I read almost all the books he have wrote. She developed our creativity, she was nice, and calm, I used to think she was a fairy. I could say that she "made me who I am", she influenced the choice of my college course, and even after so many years, I can still see everything she gave me.
When did you meet him/her?
I met my "great teacher" when I was nine.
What about you, have you ever thought about been a teacher?
I always though in been a teacher and I'll probably be one. My college course will be "Letras - Tradução" and then I'll make "Letras (licenciatura)", and I really hope I can be so good as Rosana, you, and all the others great teachers I had ever met!
Clara Bosco, n°09, 3°E-EM
Márcio Mainardi was a teacher who caused a major impact in such a short time, because besides being a great teacher, was also a great friend to all students. The output of it was a very striking and sad farewell to all by the year 2011, we learned this year as well as Literature and Grammar, things in life such as respect, and happiness. This teacher needed and deserved a better life with a salary renumbered, so he left school where he taught for me and my classmates. His expertise was such and his concern for students as well. The work was very creative and delicious to deliver. The games, conversations and songs we did for him, are missing in our daily lives A sentence that he said and scored a lot to me was'' What is eternal while it lasts'' and certainly, I will take these memories for the rest of my life. Thanks for having a teacher like him!
"How to make great teacher"
by Isadora Garcia (number 15 - 3ºE)
"We never forget our best teachers - the ones who opened doors and altered the course of our lives." and I never will forget that my "great teacher".
I was lucky enough to encounter a teacher in the 9th grade high school in São Caetano do Sul, in Eduardo Gomes' school.
I consider like my "great teacher" the teacher Renato, teacher of history, sociology and philosophy.
Teacher Renato told us from the outset that his goal was not to prepare us for the test, but for life, he taught we should look at the world through different eyes, eyes of people who interpret reality and aren't deceived.
He achieved what no teacher could before: make me love history, and take pleasure in learning how our country and the world was even before I was born.
Our meetings are weekly and occur on Tuesdays and Thursdays with the classes of history and Fridays with classes of sociology and philosophy.
When I was child I thought of becoming a teacher in the future and loved form a classroom in my room, where the dolls were the students and the blackboard chalk where I wrote.
I believe this was a game healthy because while I was playing I was reviewing the content given in the classroom, I was studying playing. For me it's sad that kids today would rather play video games and playing on the computer, even they are learning something, because In my opinion, it's interesting that the child having contact with the chalk, the contact with the blackboard and write with your hands and don't enter.
But now I have no interest in being a teacher, since I found my calling in nutrition, but I really admire teachers who struggle daily to improve education in Brazil and worldwide.
Cesar Augusto n:08 3E
The great theacher I have met so far...That's a difficult question!
But, If I had to choose just One, I would say that my great teacher is Cesar, the math teacher! It's not just because we have the same name, I assure you haha! Because of him, algebra never was so "simple" and enjoying...He makes me like to learn all about numbers and it's combinations and relations. I think that is because of the way how he teaches, a way that approach students and the math, that is a subject so hard to get interesting by the studentes...I met him in 2009, I think...I assume that, in the past, I thought about been a math teacher, but my love for music spoke louder! Haha!
Have a Great Day and Night!
See ya!
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